Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wal-Mart, Watermelons, and the Beach

"Cover your crystal eyes, and let your colors bleed and blend with mine"
~Crystals, Of Monsters and Men


It's been kind of a while! The past few weeks for me have been pretty busy with working, meetings at school, and filming for a short film my friends are making.

thrifted top • thrifted shorts • shoes and sunglasses from Ross

The weather has been pretty hot and humid lately, so I haven't really felt like going outside to take pics, but today I got a call saying I didn't have to go to work, so I wanted to do something somewhat productive.
In other news, I went to my best friend Rachel's birthday party the other night, which was really fun! I went right after filming, so that day was pretty jam-packed. I like having days like that. Lately, all I've really wanted to do is go on adventures and break away from routine! This is partially because of my original sense of adventure that I've always had, but also because I'm reading "Paper Towns" by John Green. I may or may not see the movie tomorrow, so I hope to finish the book before then!
My latest adventure consisted of going to Wal Mart with Rachel and Rami and have a competition to find the weirdest thing. I ended up winning with a variety of things including an inflatable seat cushion, a magnetic denim jeans pocket, and a drink holder shaped like a toilet. We then bought a watermelon and attempted to explode it using rubber bands, but it didn't work! We're gonna try again sometime soon. 
Another adventure we had recently was to the beach, and my friend Neil brought his camera and took some really cool pics of us!

I hope the rest of the summer is full of exciting adventures! I'm sure there will be more once Cecilia gets back next week! 

So here's to a great end to July and more summer adventures!

With love, 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Time is purple just before night

So my posts have been intermittent lately (sorry Olivia!) but I thought I would post a little update about camp life. There are only three weeks left, and I can't even begin to describe how crazy this whole journey has been. These last few weeks I've been with Cabin 9, and as every cabin here has a color, we are light purple. The picture below is of our scarving ceremony, where first the counselors are given scarves of their respective cabins by our camp directors which are tied in a friendship knot. Then, we are handed the same scarves and tie them on for the campers in the same way. At the end of the session, we give them back because they are used over and over for this tradition.

This is a photo of my home for the last two weeks! The quote on the porch is from a color poem book that is read during the scarving ceremony, which describes how each of the colors are special. 
This is a really neat shot of our wishing lantern ceremony a few weeks ago. All the counselors get a lantern and a lighter and let their lanterns go above the waterfront. The result is very beautiful and almost indescribable.

So it's been kind of a stressful couple days. While I love camp and the children with all my heart, I've found myself overwhelmed and sometimes just frustrated. Usually it's over small things but I need a pick me up from time to time. This week is actually Christmas here at camp which is super great. Christmas in July is a really fun tradition we do, which involved a staff secret Santa, tons of fun for the kids, and a big party on Friday. I received these socks from our magic "elves" too. I can't wait!
Well I'm tired. 
Till next time!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015


"It was the Fourth of July, you and I were fire, fireworks that went off too soon"
~Fourth of July, Fall Out Boy


Yesterday was the Fourth of July, and I had a great time celebrating with my friends! We had a barbecue and then played some games and went outside to set off some fireworks and sparklers. This is the second year in a row we've done this, and I really hope this tradition continues! Tonight is our town's firework celebration, but I unfortunately won't be able to go because I have to work... at least yesterday was fun!
I gotta say, I have the best friends in the whole world. They all care so much and are so much fun to be with! Like when I was upset recently, Adrian told me "Please come over." and I went over and he handed me a box of oreos and a water bottle with my name written on it, and we just chilled cuz they didn't want me to be alone. On Friday, Marli invited us to see her boyfriend in his Drum Corps show, and it was very entertaining and professional! What a great show! I love having such supportive, fun, and caring people in my life!
Anyway, enjoy some of our cute pics from yesterday!

Here's to a great Independence Day celebration and a great week!

With love,

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Adventure Journal Throwback Thursday: The West

"An empire for you, an empire for two"
~Empire, Of Monsters and Men


The past couple days have been kinda weird, and I really feel like going on an adventure, so I thought I'd take this Thursday to do a throwback to my last vacation! We went out west to Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, Garden of the Gods, and a few other scenic places. Everything was just so full of natural beauty, and looking at these pictures just make me want to pick up and go on an adventure! This post won't be much of an adventure journal, I just liked the title...it's gonna be pictures!

Here's to a summer full of adventures~

With love,